
I’m taking charge of my health!





Information on the shared health record

This week's programme

Tutorials & infographics to help you

Campaign resources

Information on the shared health record

What is the shared health record?

This is a set of documents that your healthcare providers decide to share because they are necessary and relevant for better management of your health.

This exchange of information between your healthcare providers is only possible if you have given your consent to the sharing of your health data.


How can I access it?

To access your shared health record, you need to connect to the Brussels Health Network.

  • either with your identity card (eID) + card reader + pin code
  • or with the Itsme application

By logging in, you enable all the healthcare professionals who treat you to consult and publish your medical data and history quickly and securely. And you too can access your health record.


What can I do in my patient's profile?

The Brussels Health Network gives patients a great deal of power through its portal.

You can :

  • Consult the list of shared documents and their content (if the author of the document has opened the access)
  • Consult your summary electronic health record (SumEHR) created by your general practitioner
  • Check and manage access to your documents
  • Manage your therapeutic relationships
  • Register a trusted person
  • Register as a legal guardian for children under the age of 12

See the “tutorials” section for help.

The 2024 eHealth Week programme (17-21 June)

Monday 17/06

Mutualities & Medical homes

14:00-16:00 : Info session (CIN x RSB)

Tuesday 18/06

Digital inequality actors Bxl

14:00-16:00 :  Workshop

Thursday 20/06


11:00-14:00 : Webcafé

Friday 21/06

Brussels hospitals

9:00-11:00 : Breakstorming

Information session

We will be kicking off this eHealth week with an information session in partnership with the Collège Intermutualiste National (CIN) on health data sharing and the digital tools available.

This session is aimed primarily at employees of mutual societies and medical centres. If there are still places available, access will be extended to the general public.

Practical details:

  • Time: 14:00-16:00
  • Venue: SilverSquare Bailli (ATLANTIS room), Avenue Louise 231 – 1050 Brussels
  • Price: Free of charge
  • Registration: Mandatory

    Round table: “Digital inequalities in health. How can we tackle them?”

    We continue the week with a discussion table on digital inequalities. This event will bring together experts in the field to discuss the challenges and needs of combating the digital divide in Brussels.

    It’s an opportunity to bring together political players and those working in the field, to reflect on the solutions to be put in place.

    This round table will welcome :

    • Yves Dario (King Baudouin Foundation)
    • Jean Deydier (WeTechCare)
    • Miguel Lardennois (Cabinet Maron)
    • Cabinet Clerfayt
    • Géraldine Huart, Egide Nshimirimana (CPAS de Forest)
    • Céline Nieuwenhuys (Federation of Social Services)
    • Dr Pierre-Louis Deudon (general practitioner)

    Practical details:

    • Time: 14:00-16:00
    • Venue: SilverSquare Louise (AGORA room), Avenue Louise 523 – 1050 Brussels
    • Price: Free of charge
      If you would like to attend, please confirm your attendance at


      Do you have a question about electronic health data sharing?

      The Brussels Health Network team will be on hand for 3 hours – from 11am to 2pm – to answer all your questions live!

      There are three ways to ask your question:

        Breakstorming – Patient communication

        Get together over breakfast to brainstorm on how to improve patient communication.

        Practical info:

        • Time : 9h-11h
        • Place : Rue de la Montagne, 11 – 1000 Brussels
          Registration: Confirm your attendance at

        Tutorials and infographics to help you

        • Step-by-step tutorials for managing your patient portal (coming soon)

        Our campaign (FR and NL)

        Download the material