Our members
About Abrumet
Our members
Members of the Board of Directors
The association is managed by a Board of Directors composed of at least 6 members, appointed at the General Meeting in June: 2 representatives of private hospitals, including at least one hospital doctor, one representative of academic hospitals and 3 representatives of associations of general practitioners (2 French-speaking and one Dutch-speaking).
Chairman of the Board of Directors: : Lawrence Cuvelier – GP
Vice-chairman and treasurer : Didier du Boullay – GP
- Michel Devolder – FAMGB
- Hicham Vanborm – BHAK
- Steven Creve – Clinic St-Jean
- Philippe Vandenbergh – CHU Bruxelles
- Olivier Naeyaert – UZ Brussel
- Vincent Dubois – Epsylon
Members of the Advisory Board
The Advisory Board is a purely consultative body whose members are selected by Abrumet’s management to provide useful advice on various strategic, technical, and legal subjects.
When the Board of Directors has to make sensitive decisions, management has got into the habit of organizing a preparatory session to exchange views with the members of the Advisory Board, in order to provide everyone (management team and Board members) with the necessary insight.
Chairman of the Advisory Board : Philippe Vandenbergh- CMIO (Chief Medical Information Officer) – CHU Bruxelles / UZC Brussel
Vice-chairman : Jacques Rossler – Erasme
- Lawrence Cuvelier – FAMGB
- Michel Devolder – FAMGB
- Didier du Boullay – FAMGB
- Hicham Vanborm – BHAK
- Pierre-Louis Deudon – FAMGB
- Steve Creve – Clinic St-Jean
- Philippe Vandenbergh – CHU Bruxelles
- Tom Coolen – UZ Brussel
- Prof. Philippe Peetrons – Iris Sud
- Denis Goldschmidt
- Thérèse Locoge – Iris faîtière
- Patricia Lanssiers – Gibbis
- Caroline Sitarz – COCOM
We warmly thank all the members of the Advisory Board for their useful advice which enabled us to get a full grasp of the needs and issues faced by the various users of the network.
Members of the General Meeting
All Brussels hospital institutions are connected to the Brussels Health Network and are members of Abrumet. General practitioners are represented by the FAMGB (for French speakers) and the BHAK (for Dutch speakers).
The members of the General Meeting meet twice a year, in June in order to approve the financial statements of the previous year, and in December in order to validate the programming and the budget for the following year.
At the General Meeting in June, the members designate the institutions and persons who will represent them for the next 12 months on the Board of Directors.
Monitoring Committees
Abrumet holds meetings of “Monitoring Committees” regularly to inform and consult the various users of the network about the issues at stake. We would like to thank the patient representatives, the Ligue des Usagers des Services de Santé (LUSS) [League of Users of Health Services] and the Vlaams Patiëntenplatform (VPP) [Flemish Patients’ Platform] who play an active role in these committees, as well as the representatives of the multidisciplinary providers.
If you would like to be invited to participate, please send us an email at info@abrumet.be.
Subsidizing authorities
- 2005 :
- Creation of the non-profit association Abrumet ASBL
- Occasional subsidies from the SPF Health
- Funding from COCOM
- 2015 :
- COCOM (structural subsidies of the non-profit association)
- 2016 :
- European Commission for the CEF project (exchange of health data within the EC)
- Inami supports training for general practitioners
- 2020 :
- COCOM officially designates Abrumet as ‘the platform for the electronic exchange of health data between healthcare players’.
COCOM has for several years been promoting in particular a secure electronic exchange of information by between health stakeholders, while respecting the protection of privacy and professional secrecy.
Abrumet wishes to thank very much indeed its partners thanks to whom more and more patients and healthcare professionals are connected to ensure better continuity of care.
The Brussels Health Network brings together all public and private Brussels hospitals as well as the French and Dutch speaking associations of general practitioners in Brussels (FAMGB and BHAK). We are the ideal partner for any project related to e-health in the Brussels region.