Security and privacy
The Brussels Health Network
The Brussels Health Network uses highly secure technologies
The Brussels Health Network has developed from an open vision of e-health in development, with respect for the individuality of each partner and concern for maximum protection of the patients’ privacy. In view of the aims of the Brussels Health Service, the Sectoral Committee of the National Register has given its consent to Abrumet to use the national register number.
The Brussels Health Network uses highly secure technologies that meet the predefined criteria by the e-health platform. All data is encrypted from end-to-end. All access to listed documents is monitored.
Access to a medical document is for physicians with a therapeutic relationship with the patient. Fully secure, it requires the patient’s prior agreement in the form of consent. Health professionals are bound by professional secrecy and the unauthorized use of your health information is punishable by law.[1] The patient can see which health professionals accessed their medical data; the patient can grant or deny access to certain health professionals or certain documents.
The Health Network Brussels respects the law on protection of privacy and the law on the rights of patients.
[1] subject to legal action “art.458 of the Criminal Code”
Authorization and notification: the Medical Association and the Commission for the protection of privacy
The Brussels Health Network works with the approval of the National Council of the Order of Physicians in Belgium. Given the aims of the Brussels Health Network, the Sectorial Committee of the National Registry agreed to let Abrumet use the national registration number.
The Brussels Health Network hosts the links/references to the documents so that they can be accessed at all times by any healthcare professional who meets all the conditions required to care for a patient.
- The SUMEHRs are held securely in a safe reserved for general practitioners
- The hospital documents point to links/references to documents which remain hosted in the institution in which the patient was treated
Annual security audit
The IT architecture of the Brussels Health Network is analysed and validated by an external audit every year. Levels of security and privacy are optimal. The connection is secure and encrypted from end-to-end.
The Brussels Health Network brings together all public and private Brussels hospitals as well as the French and Dutch speaking associations of general practitioners in Brussels (FAMGB and BHAK). We are the ideal partner for any project related to e-health in the Brussels region.