Access my European certificates
When and where to get tested ?
Information about Covid-19 test centers in Brussels
Locations of the Brussels test centers
Where can you find your COVID-19 test results? ?
1. Wherever you are in Belgium and whatever laboratory performed the analysis, you can access your COVID-19 test results by logging into the Brussels Health Network.
Access to my COVID-19 certificates
Access only to your COVID-19 results, whether or not your consent has been given to the sharing of your health data. Possible access with or without registration on the Brussels Health Network.
If you have consented to the sharing of your health data you will have access to your entire shared Health folder.
2- Do not forget to give your smartphone number to receive your results directly on your mobile phone.
You have access to the results of your tests on the Brussels Health Network within 24 to 32 hours, after publication by the laboratories.
3- If you do not have access to the Brussels Health Network portal, contact your health professional. He will have access if you have consented to the sharing of your health data and if there is a therapeutic link between you.
For minors between 12 and 16 years old:
- Possibility to access PCR test results on MaSante.be via Result via CTPC code (Test prescription Code). This code, generated by the eform COVID-19, is composed of 16 digits/letters (in 4 blocks of 4). It is sent to the patient by SMS via the number 8811.
- Ask your General Practioner directly for the results of your test, as the results are not available to parents of minors between 12 and 16 years of age. However, if the child has an ID card with a pin code, he/she will be able to see the result of the PCR test, without even being registered on the Brussels Health Network by clicking on the green button “Access my COVID-19 data”.
After 48 hours without results and if you have not been able to connect to the Brussels Health Network, you can contact the call center: 02 832 83 83 or resultbrussels@testcovid.be.
If you have a problem connecting to the Brussels Health Network or in relation to the link sent by SMS, send an email to info@abrumet.be.Nous. We do not have access to your test results.
More information about the protection of your data
What if my COVID-19 test result is positive? ?
COCOM has made some practical information available to you – https://www.ccc-ggc.brussels/fr/news/covid-19-fiches-pratiques
In case of a positive test, consult your doctor.
The Brussels Health Network brings together all public and private Brussels hospitals as well as the French and Dutch speaking associations of general practitioners in Brussels (FAMGB and BHAK). We are the ideal partner for any project related to e-health in the Brussels region.