My documents
I’m enquiring / My shared health record
What documents are shared?
On the Brussels Health Network, you will find documents published by :
- Care providers
- Consultation reports
- Medication schedules
- Open medication prescriptions
- Shared diary notes
- Summarized Electronic Health Record (SumEHR, only by the GPs)
- Hospitals
- Laboratory results
- Hospitalization reports
- Consultation reports
- Imaging reports
- Laboratories
- Examination results (blood tests, analyses, etc.)
More info…
- Any information held by health care providers may be shared to the extent that it is useful for your treatment. These documents must be approved in order to be published and shared; without this step, the document will remain in “Draft” mode and will not be shared.
- GPs do not share patient records in their entirety. They only publish relevant information for continuity of patient care in summarized electronic health records (SUMEHR).
- Each hospital institution or doctor is in full control of what is published or not on the Brussels Health Network but is required to respect the patient’s privacy. If you do not want information to be shared, make a direct request to your healthcare provider to not share your information. In any case, you have the possibility to make a cross on a specific document later on.
- Medical documents of patients referenced on the Brussels Health Network can be consulted by all Brussels hospitals.
Why can't I see certain documents in my shared health record?
If certain documents are missing from your shared health record, there may be several reasons:
- The healthcare professional you have consulted is not registered with the Brussels Health Network.
- The document you are looking for predates your registration with the Brussels Health Network
- The healthcare professional you have consulted has not (yet) published the document
Please contact the author of the document directly for more information.
Why can I see certain documents but not have access to them?
Each healthcare institution/healthcare professional is free to decide how accessible the document should be. There are several levels:
- “Accessible from…” = your document will be accessible from the date indicated. = your document will be accessible on the date indicated.
- “Accessible by the author of the document” = only the author of the document can provide you with access.
- “Accessible by the attending physician” = certain sensitive documents require that you have seen your physician face-to-face before access is granted.
- “Access not provided by the hospital” = some hospitals do not provide access to documents published before the “Patient access” opening date (documents are older than this date).
Focus ont the Summarized Eletronic Health Record (SumEHR)
Since January 15 2019, you have standard access to the content of your medical summary (SumEHR) shared by your general practicioner, unless the access settings have been changed.
The SumEHR, summarized Electronic Health Record to be complete is a summary of your health produced by the general practicioner.
This medical summary in case of emergency consist in, as its name refers to, a summary of your electronic medical files. It resumes the administrative data of a patient such as his contact details, the risks related to his health as for example:
- Allergies,
- Drugs to avoid,
- Social factors, etc.
The doctor will also keep track of vaccination data, any family history, active and passive health elements, active medication, emergency contact person, patient’s wishes, and so on.
The Brussels Health Network brings together all public and private Brussels hospitals as well as the French and Dutch speaking associations of health professionals in Brussels (FAMGB and BHAK). We are the ideal partner for any project related to e-health in the Brussels region.